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2021 Children’s Education and Care Training Package Review – AISC Update

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2021 Children’s Education and Care Training Package Approved

20 April 2021 Update

The latest 2021 CHC – Community Services Training Package update has just been approved by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) and is now subject to be resubmitted to state ministers. After going through the state ministers, we expect them to release on training.gov.au soon after.

Many registered training organisations have been anticipating this update and are waiting to deliver the new Children’s Education and Care and Education Support courses. If you want to deliver the 2021 version of the massively popular CHC courses, then make sure to plan your new project and secure your resources as soon as possible.

Click the links below if you need resources for the much-anticipated 2021 courses. We have been developing those resources and will be ready for delivery soon.

In approving the new CHC package, AISC agreed to the following:

  • commissioned research to examine how the Certificate III entry requirement affects the Diploma on Diploma enrolment/completions over the next 18-24 months.
  • the development of resources that will support RTOs in undertaking RPL for students with prior experience or other education-related qualifications who do not meet the entry requirement to the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care.
  • the deletion of the Certificate IV in School Age Education and Care qualification.

End of 20 April 2021 update

14 April 2021 Update

The Australian Industry Skills Committee has released the meeting agenda for their 20 April 2021 meeting (click here to see the agenda). The meeting agenda includes the resubmission of the Cases for Endorsement for the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care and CHC40121 Certificate IV in School Age Education and Care.

If the CHC50121 and CHC40121 qualifications get approved, we may see the new 2021 CHC qualifications published on training.gov.au in a couple of months.

End of 14 April 2021 update

What’s Coming in the New CHC Training Package?

Here is a summary of the proposed updates to the CHC training package:

  • The revision of six (6) qualifications
  • The revision of 32 units of competency
  • The addition of three (3) new units of competency
  • The addition of one (1) new skill set
  • The revision of two (2) skill sets
  • The deletion of six (6) units of competency
  • The deletion of three (3) skill sets

The New 2021 CHC Qualifications

The Case for Endorsement put forward by the Children’s Education and Care IRC will create new versions of all 6 qualifications under review, including:

Qualification NameNew Qualification CodeOld Qualification Code
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and CareCHC30121CHC30113
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and CareCHC50121CHC50113
Certificate III in School Based Education SupportCHC30221CHC30213
Certificate IV in School Based Education SupportCHC40221CHC40213
Certificate IV in School Age Education and CareCHC40121CHC40113
Diploma of School Age Education and CareCHC50221CHC50213

Current Status of the Children’s Education and Care Project

The Children’s Education and Care project has been in progress for a number of years now and many industry stakeholders were hopeful the training package update would be approved at the February 23rd meeting.

Four qualifications were given “in-principle approval” based on the case for endorsement submission. This means these qualifications should eventually be released to training.gov.au with the units and packaging that was included in the case for endorsement.

Unfortunately, two qualifications were not approved and further revisions will need to be made before the AISC will endorse these new courses:

  • CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and care
  • CHC40121 Certificate IV in School Age Education and Care

The AISC have said they will be working with the Children’s Education and Care IRC to find solutions to address the stakeholder concerns regarding these two qualifications. Once those concerns have been addressed, revised versions of the qualifications will be submitted to AISC for endorsement.

There is potential for AISC to add an extra meeting to their calendar for the year specifically to review and approve this training package update, which is great news for the training providers and other industry stakeholders who have been anxiously awaiting this update.

As of early-March 2021, we are still awaiting more information about what issues were identified in the two qualifications that were not approved and what changes may be required to address the stakeholder concerns. We are also waiting for more information on probable timelines for the changes to be made and the updated Case for Endorsement to be re-submitted to the AISC.

What we do know is the four qualifications that were approved “in-principle” won’t be published on training.gov.au until all six qualifications in the project are approved and can be released at the same time.

Need New 2021 CHC RTO Resources?

We are developing new 2021 Early Childhood Education and Care resources and they will be complete soon!

Our CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education materials will be complete and ready for delivery first, followed by the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care training resources.

We will continue to follow this project closely and make any final updates and changes to the training resources required to align to the final version uploaded to training.gov.au, and ensure our clients have the opportunity to be among the first training providers to market with these new courses.

Pre-order your CHC learning and assessment materials now to deliver the 2021 ECE courses as quickly as possible after the courses are published on training.gov.au!

Simply click on the links below to learn more about our new RTO training materials – free samples, packaging, pricing and more:

We can also offer individual units of competency from the qualification packages – view our list of available RTO training materials here.

Please contact us now on 1300 885 484 or email enquiries@compliantlearningresources.com.au to check the development status of the new 2021 CHC resources or get more information about other RTO training materials in our range.

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