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ASQA Extends Transition Period for BSB42615 Certificate IV in New Small Business

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BSB42615 Transition Period

ASQA Extends Transition Period for BSB42615 Certificate IV in New Small Business

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ASQA recently announced that it is extending the transition period for BSB42615 Certificate IV in New Small Business. The BSB42615 has been superseded by the BSB42618 Certificate IV in New Business which is included in the Business Services Package 3.0 released at the end of September 2018.

With this announcement, RTOs currently delivering BSB42615 may continue to train, assess and issue certificates for this qualification until 27 September 2020. The BSB42615 Certificate IV in New Small Business will remain on an RTO’s scope of registration and at training.gov.au until the end of the transition period. RTOs may include BSB42615 in their scope of registration or choose to withdraw this prior to the end of the extension.

Under Clauses 1.26 (a), (b) and (c) of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015, the ASQA may extend transition periods if it deems that sticking to the original end of the transition period would place students at a disadvantage.




What is Transition Period for VET Updates?

Training packages, courses, and units are constantly updated to meet the needs of industry, enterprises, and individuals. This is to ensure that training remains relevant to students and employers alike. When a training package is updated, it can result to a qualification being superseded.

When a qualification supersedes, ASQA sets a transition period where an RTO may continue to deliver training, assessments, and issue certificates. However, all training and assessment activities for the superseded qualification must cease after the transition period.

Training Product Updates and Your RTO’s Scope of Registration

Upon the release of a new or revised training package, ASQA identifies all VET courses and units of competency that the Service Skills Organisations (SSOs) has determined to be equivalent to current training products. For RTOs who are currently delivering one of these updated products, ASQA will:

  • Update the RTO’s scope of registration with the equivalent training product
  • Apply any sanctions or conditions that apply on an RTO’s training products that have been superseded in its scope of registration
  • Apply the same ‘scope extent’ listed on the national register (‘deliver and assess’) or (‘deliver only’) to the new, equivalent product
  • Inform an RTO that the scope has been updated, this includes the details of the new, equivalent product

RTOs who are currently delivering the superseded training product and do not want the new, equivalent products can remove it from their scope of registration provided there are no students currently enrolled. This can be done for free by applying for a change to scope of registration on asqanet. However, those who had previously removed the product from their scope of registration can add it again for free if done within 12 months of it being published on the national register. All RTOs planning to add new, updated training products to their scope of registration after 12 months of its publication will be counted as a new addition to scope.

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