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Extended Transition Period for Forest and Wood Products (FWP) Qualifications

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Forest and Wood Products Qualification Transition Period

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has the ability to extend transition periods for certain qualifications, if there is evidence that a group of learners would be negatively impacted without the extension. This is outlined in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015, in Clauses 1.26 (a), (b), and (c).

Recently, ASQA approved an extended transition period for several Forest and Wood Products (FWP) qualifications, including:

FWP20116 Certificate II in Forest Growing and Management
FWP20216 Certificate II in Harvesting and Haulage
FWP30116 Certificate III in Forest Growing and Management
FWP30216 Certificate III in Harvesting and Haulage
FWP40116 Certificate IV in Forest Operations
FWP50116 Diploma of Forest and Forest Products

This extended transition period is available only to continuing students in ASQA registered RTOs with delivery scope. The deadline for the extended training, assessment, and certification period is 31st January 2024.

The decision to approve this extension was supported by organisations such as the Food, Fibre and Timber Training Council, Forest Training Council, Forest Products Commission, and Skills Impact. These FWP qualifications will remain on the scope of registration for ASQA regulated RTOs until the end of the extended transition period, unless the RTO chooses to remove them.

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