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Important Deadline – ASQA RTO Quality Indicator Data Due 30 June 2019

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ASQA - Quality Indicator Reporting

ASQA - Quality Indicator Reporting

Don’t Miss The 30 June 2019 Deadline To Submit Your Quality Indicator Data

30 June 2019 – Submit your 2018 quality indicator data to qidata@asqa.gov.au

The next item on the all-important checklist is for RTOs to submit their 2018 quality indicator data by 30 June 2019. This can be accomplished by completing the form on ASQA’s website and emailing it to qidata@asqa.gov.au.

The purpose of quality indicator reporting is to provide ASQA with a summary report of your RTOs performance against the learner engagement and employer satisfaction quality indicators. This will provide ASQA information on the extent to which learners engage in activities that are likely to promote high-quality skills outcomes and employer evaluation of the overall quality of an RTO’s training and assessment.

What is Quality Indicating Reporting for RTOs?

Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) are required to collect and submit an annual summary report to the ASQA data on three quality indicators; learner engagement, employer satisfaction, and competency completion. These data help in the continuous improvement of their services and gives national and state regulators the opportunity to conduct risk assessments. RTOs must submit their quality indicator data reports in full to qidata@asqa.gov.au by close of business 30 June 2019. Failure to submit data for the previous year can place your RTO’s rating and registration at risk.

What are these quality indicators?

Learner Engagement – This survey provides information on all training activities that promote high-quality skill outcomes. This also includes learner feedback of the quality of their competency development and the level of support your RTO provides. Learner engagement is based on the data collected using a survey called the Learner Questionnaire.

Employer Satisfaction – This gives information on the quality of training, learner competency development, and relevance of learner competencies for work and further training. This involves asking supervisors to provide feedback on the skills and work readiness of learners. The report is generated using a survey called the Employer Questionnaire

Competency Completion – previously, RTOs were required to provide data about the number of enrolments and completions per unit or module and per qualification via Competency Completion Online System (CCOS). However, with the introduction of national VET reporting for all RTOs, there is no longer a requirement for RTOs to report competency completions via CCOS.

Risk of Non-submission of your RTO’s Quality Indicating Reports

Quality indicator data reports must be submitted in full to qidata@asqa.gov.au by close of business 30 June of 2019. Quality Indicator data is required for theprevious calendar year (1 January to 31 December 2018).

RTOs who fail to submit risk non-compliance with statutory registration requirements and potentially constitute a breach of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.

So what’s next?

The next date on the list is on 31 July 2019. ASQA invoices providers for their annual registration charge in July each year. Once ASQA receives the invoice, providers are given 30 days to make payment.

The checklist as provided by the ASQA is to help RTOs meet their obligations and ongoing registration requirements in 2019.

Source: ASQA News and Publications

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