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National Training Register Enhancement Project: Share Your Feedback on Enhancements to training.gov.au

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National Training Register Enhancement Project

The National Training Register Enhancement Project seeks to revolutionise the National Register for vocational education and training by enhancing its technology and infrastructure. The current training.gov.au, with its outdated infrastructure, makes it difficult and expensive to maintain and update. The enhancements of this project will make it easier and faster to develop and update training products, reduce duplication, and provide better technology and infrastructure to support the sector for years to come.

Benefits of the National Training Register Enhancement Project

This enhancement project will involve collaborative efforts from stakeholders, including state and territory governments and regulators. The main objective is prioritising a design and experience that centres on the user. The enhancements include:

  • An improved website
  • Consultation portal
  • Training package content management system
  • New application programming interface for better data access

The upgrades will benefit users in the vocational education and training sector, including regulators, registered training organisations, and training package developers.

The project team will regularly communicate updates to stakeholders, and there are opportunities for involvement in workshops, training sessions, user acceptance testing, and liaising with external reference groups. The project will provide training on the enhancements, and user acceptance testing will be conducted throughout the development phase.

Get Involved: Provide Feedback on Enhancements to Training.gov.au

As part of the National Training Register Enhancement Project, the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) is actively seeking feedback to understand better how the proposed changes to the National Register will affect those who use training.gov.au.

If you are a frequent user of the website, take part in a survey that will run until 19 May and share your thoughts on the upcoming changes. For additional information on this exciting project or if you have any inquiries about the survey, please reach out to ntrreform@dewr.gov.au.

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