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Check Out Our Newest Resources (Units and Qualifications)

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Check Out Our Newest Resources (Units and Qualifications)

At Compliant Learning Resources we are committed to helping RTOs in their quest to provide better, more extensive training for students and professionals in Australia. Before the year ends, we are happy to introduce 211 new training resources.

Here are the 15 qualifications and 196 units you can add to your programs:

Business Services (BSB)

Qualification Code Qualification Name
BSB30420 Certificate III in Library and Information Services
BSB60220 Advanced Diploma of Conveyancing
BSB80220 Graduate Diploma of Portfolio Management
Unit Code Unit Name
BSBFNG401 Plan and chair Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation’s board meetings
BSBFNG402 Interact with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation members and the community
BSBFNG403 Participate as a board member of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation
BSBFNG405 Review and apply the constitution in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation
BSBFNG406 Assist in developing and implementing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisational policies
BSBINS202 Handle receipt and dispatch of information
BSBINS203 Assist with circulation services
BSBINS301 Develop and use information literacy skills
BSBINS305 Participate in cataloguing activities
BSBINS306 Provide multimedia support
BSBINS308 Control records
BSBINS408 Provide information from and about records
BSBINS409 Maintain and monitor digital information and records
BSBINS410 Implement records systems for small business
BSBINS504 Maintain digital repositories
BSBINS513 Contribute to records management framework
BSBINS514 Contribute to records retention and disposal schedule
BSBINS515 Participate in archiving activities
BSBLDR813 Lead and influence ethical practice
BSBLEG311 Work in legal services environment work
BSBLEG312 Carry out search of the public record
BSBLEG314 Protect information in a legal services environment
BSBLEG315 Assist in planning activities in a legal services environment
BSBLEG421 Apply understanding of the Australian legal system
BSBLEG522 Apply legal principles in contract law matters
BSBLEG523 Apply legal principles in tort law matters
BSBLEG528 Apply legal principles in property law matters
BSBLEG529 Apply legal principles in corporation law matters
BSBMED304 Assist in controlling stocks and supplies
BSBMKG436 Design and test direct marketing activities
BSBMKG553 Develop public relations campaigns
BSBMKG554 Plan and develop public relations publications
BSBMKG628 Lead organisational public relations
BSBOPS302 Identify business risk
BSBOPS506X Plan for organisational disruption
BSBPMG815 Manage portfolio communications and change
BSBPMG816 Manage portfolio resources
BSBPRC403 Conduct international procurement
BSBPRC406 Conduct e-procurement
BSBPRC501 Manage procurement strategies
BSBPRC502 Manage supplier relationships
BSBPRC503 Manage international procurement
BSBPRC504 Manage a supply chain
BSBPRC505 Manage ethical procurement strategy
BSBWHS432X Contribute to organisational mental health response in the context of disruptive events
BSBWHS531 Implement and evaluate system of work for managing hazardous chemicals
BSBWHS612 Develop and implement a strategy to support a positive WHS culture
BSBWHS631 Apply occupational hygiene principles to manage WHS risks
BSBXBD404 Use big data for operational decision making
BSBXCS403 Contribute to cyber security threat assessments
BSBXDB401 Develop and implement recruitment processes that are inclusive of people with disability
BSBXDB502 Adapt organisations to enhance accessibility for people with disability

Browse All BSB Resources

Financial Services (FNS)

Qualification Code Qualification Name
FNS10120 Certificate I in Basic Financial Literacy
FNS20120 Certificate II in Financial Services
FNS51822 Diploma of Financial Services
FNS41422 Certificate IV in General Insurance
FNS50922 Diploma of Banking Services Management
FNS60622 Advanced Diploma of Banking Services Management
FNS41720 Certificate IV in Insurance Broking
FNS42120 Certificate IV in Personal Injury Management
FNS40122 Certificate IV in Credit Management
FNS42022 Certificate IV in Banking Services
FNS51022 Diploma of Financial Markets
FNS60822 Advanced Diploma of Integrated Risk Management
Unit Code Unit Name
FNSFLT311 Develop and apply knowledge of personal finances
FNSCUS513 Review business performance
FNSSAM611 Monitor performance of financial products and services in meeting client needs
FNSSAM612 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities in the financial services industry
FNSFLT212 Develop and use a savings plan
FNSFLT213 Develop knowledge of debt and consumer credit
FNSFLT215 Develop knowledge of the Australian financial system and markets
FNSFLT216 Develop knowledge of taxation
FNSACM313 Process authorised payments
FNSPAY511 Process salary packaging arrangements and additional allowances in payroll
FNSPAY513 Process complex employee terminations in payroll
FNSPAY514 Interpret and apply knowledge of industrial regulations relevant to payroll
FNSPAY515 Interpret and apply knowledge of taxation systems relevant to payroll
FNSPAY512 Process superannuation payments in payroll
FNSRSK512 Assess risks
FNSACM312 Reconcile financial transactions
FNSFMK411 Perform reconciliations
FNSASIC311 Establish client relationship and analyse needs
FNSINC513 Identify and apply complex ethical decision making to workplace situations
FNSFLT214 Develop knowledge of superannuation
FNSASIC314 Provide Tier 2 general advice in general insurance
FNSASICS513 Provide wholesale advice in foreign exchange
FNSASICT513 Provide wholesale advice in managed investments
FNSASICV513 Provide wholesale advice in derivatives
FNSASICW513 Provide wholesale advice in securities
FNSBNK411 Coordinate small business customer portfolios
FNSBNK412 Align banking products with the needs of small business customers
FNSBNK414 Promote mobile banking services
FNSCRD412 Establish and maintain appropriate security options for credit facilities
FNSCRD415 Manage overdue customer accounts
FNSCRD513 Promote client understanding of the role and effective use of consumer credit
FNSCUS403 Deliver a professional service to customers
FNSCUS504 Manage premium customer relationships
FNSFMK416 Conduct work within financial markets compliance framework
FNSFMK521 Analyse financial markets and information
FNSFMK522 Apply financial product knowledge in the context of the deal transaction cycle
FNSFMK524 Conduct work within financial markets organisational risk management framework
FNSORG411 Conduct individual work within a compliance framework
FNSORG512 Develop, implement and monitor policy and procedures
FNSRSK611 Develop and implement risk mitigation plan
FNSSAM403 Prospect for new clients
FNSCUS515 Determine client financial requirements and expectations
FNSCUS511 Develop and maintain professional relationships in financial services industry
FNSFMB411 Prepare loan applications on behalf of clients
FNSFMB412 Identify client needs and present broking options
FNSFMB511 Implement credit contracts in preparations for settlement
FNSFMB512 Identify and develop credit options for clients with special financial circumstatances
FNSFMB513 Present credit options to clients with special financial circumstances
FNSFMB514 Implement complex loan structures
FNSINC412 Apply and maintain knowledge of financial products and services
FNSRSK511 Undertake risk identification
FNSASIC312 Provide personal advice on non-relevant financial products
FNSINC504 Apply ethical frameworks and principles to make and act upon decisions
FNSACM311 Process and manage payments

Browse All FNS Training Resources

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

Unit Code Unit Name
ICTSAD604 Manage and communicate ICT solutions
ICTSAD610 Analyse stakeholder requirements
ICTSAD611 Manage assessment and validation of ICT solutions
ICTSAD612 Implement and maintain uses of containerisation
ICTCLD603 Design hybrid cloud- based network architectures
ICTDMT501 Incorporate and edit digital video
ICTGAM301 Apply simple modelling techniques
ICTGAM302 Design and apply simple textures to digital art
ICTGAM303 Review and apply the principles of animation
ICTICT221 Identify and use specific industry standard technologies
ICTICT222 Research and share ICT solutions for Indigenous users
ICTICT303 Connect internal hardware components
ICTICT304 Implement system software changes
ICTICT306 Migrate to new technology
ICTICT311 Customise packaged software applications
ICTICT312 Use advanced features of applications
ICTICT427 Identify, evaluate and apply current industry-specific technologies to meet organisational needs
ICTNWK610 Design and build integrated VoIP networks
ICTSAD503 Minimise risk of new technologies to business solutions
ICTSAS210 Update and maintain hardware, software and documentation inventories
ICTSAS211 Develop solutions for basic ICT malfunctions and problems
ICTSAS212 Record the requirements of client support requests
ICTSAS216 Maintain ICT equipment and replace consumables
ICTSAS303 Care for computer hardware
ICTSAS304 Provide basic system administration
ICTWHS204 Follow work health and safety and environmental policy and procedures
ICTAII401 Identify Opportunities to Apply Artificial Intel & Machine Learning
ICTCYS614 Analyse cyber security insider risks and threats and devise recommendations
ICTCYS615 Detect and respond to cyber security insider risks and threats
ICTDBS407 Monitor physical database implementation
ICTICT520 Confirm transition strategy for a new system
ICTNWK562 Configure internet gateways
ICTPMG612 Manage ICT project initiation
ICTPMG614 Use Manage ICT project delivery
ICTPRG540 Maintain custom software
ICTPRG550 Perform ICT data conversions
ICTSAS522 Manage the testing process
ICTSUS604 Prepare business cases for sustainability and competitive advantage in ICT projects
ICTTEN410 Locate, diagnose and rectify faults
ICTWEB435 Maintain website performance
ICTWEB437 Create website testing procedures
ICTWEB448 Confirm website content meets technical protocols and standards
ICTGAM427 Use 3-D software interface and toolsets
ICTSAS311 Maintain computer hardware
ICTSAS312 Provide basic system administration
ICTTEN826 Evaluate and apply digital signal processing to communication systems
ICTTEN827 Produce engineering solutions
ICTICT314 Connect internal hardware components
ICTAII502 Train and Evaluate Machine Learning Models
ICTGAM418 Use simple modelling for animation
ICTPRG603 Develop advanced mobile multi-touch applications
ICTAII501 Automate work tasks using machine learning
ICTAII503 Build natural language processing models and pipelines
ICTAUT501 Manage robotic process automation
ICTWEB521 Customise complex ICT content management systems
ICTPRG534 Deploy applications to production environments
ICTTEN409 Commission an electronic system
ICTGAM420 Produce interactive games
ICTBWN307 Use optical measuring instruments
ICTCBL323 Test cables and systems on customer premises
ICTCBL330 Splice and terminate optical fibre cable for telecommunications projects
ICTICT302 Install and optimise operating system software
ICTICT529 Organise and lead agile projects
ICTSAS217 Connect a home based local wireless network
ICTGAM306 Review and apply traditional animation principles
ICTICT521 Select new technology supported business model
ICTGAM539 Create and implement designs for 3-D games environments
ICTGAM542 Animate 3-D characters for digital games
ICTGAM543 Produce digital animation sequences
ICTGAM545 Manage technical art and rigging in 3-D animations
ICTGAM552 Create complex 3-D characters for games
ICTPRG444 Analyse software requirements
ICTSAS530 Use network tools
ICTICT522 Evaluate vendor products and equipment
ICTICT440 Develop service level agreements
ICTNWK625 Plan and configure advanced internetwork switching solutions
ICTSAS519 Perform systems tests
ICTSAS528 Review and develop ICT maintenance strategies
ICTTEN817 Plan transmission networks
ICTWEB439 Confirm basic website security
ICTWEB445 Implement content management systems
ICTGAM305 Apply simple textures and shading to three-dimensional (3D) models for digital games
ICTGAM304 Develop three-dimensional (3D) models for digital games
ICTSAD510 Manage risks when implementing new technologies
ICTNWK624 Configure advanced internetwork routing solutions

Browse All ICT Training Resources

Training and Education (TAE)

Unit Code Unit Name
TAEXDB411 Plan and implement individual support plans for learners with disability
TAEICR511 Work in partnership with industry, enterprises and community groups
TAERES511 Apply research to training and assessment practice
TAEXDB511 Develop and implement training and assessment strategies for learners with disability
TAEDES514 Research and develop nationally recognised training products

Browse All TAE Training Resources


In addition to our newly released RTO materials, Compliant Learning Resources provides a comprehensive catalogue of training resources. Our extensive offerings encompass a wide variety of industries and qualifications, including AHC, AUR, AVI, CHC, CPP, CPC, CUA, FSK, HLT, MEM, RII, SHB, SIR, SIS, TLI, UEE, and many more.

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