CHCDIV002 – Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety training package requires that “assessment must involve persons approved of by relevant local community elders”.
The FAQs for the CHC Community Services & HLT Training Packages (pg 13) clarifies that “the intent of this statement is to ensure that the assessment process for this unit is culturally safe. The requirement to ‘involve’ community elders (or the person/s approved by the elders) is not for them to actually undertake the assessment but for them to be involved throughout the writing and planning of the assessment tools to ensure that what is developed is culturally appropriate.
Aboriginal communities across Australia are diverse, have their own distinct culture, and may use different imagery and language. Language appropriate in one community may not be culturally appropriate in another. Therefore to ensure that the assessment is culturally safe and relevant for that geographical area the unit specifies involvement of ‘local’ community elders or the person/s they have deemed appropriate.”
Compliant resources that contain this unit (including CHC30213, CHC30113 and CHC50113) are designed and written so they can be used by RTOs anywhere in the country to deliver training and assessment to students nationally. They have not been contextualised to a specific geographical region or Aboriginal community. There are hundreds of indigenous communities across the country with distinct cultures and languages, and we cannot anticipate every region in Australia you might intend to deliver training and assessment.
To achieve full compliance when you deliver and assess training using Compliant resources which contain the unit CHCDIV002, it is a requirement that you seek input from local community elder(s) in your region (or people they have deemed appropriate) to contextualise the unit to ensure it is culturally appropriate. For example, this can be achieved through validation and then contextualisation of the assessments, language and imagery used in this unit. This requirement affects CHCDIV002 only.
Please be aware this requirement affects all training resources that include CHCDIV002, no matter which resource developer you purchase training materials from.
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