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ASQA is Backing RTOs to Deliver The New “COVID-19” Unit

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ASQA Update New COVID-19 Unit

Deliver the New HLTINFCOV001 “COVID-19” Unit

The Australian Skills Quality Authority has acknowledged the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) approval of the infection control skill sets 

These skill sets are designed to upskill workers in retail (HLTSS00065), food handling (HLTSS00066), and transport and logistics sectors (HLTSS00067). They comprise the HLTINFCOV001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures unit of competency. 

These skill sets are sure to be popular with employers and are designed to combat the ongoing COVID-19 threat. No doubt this will be highly desirable in high risk public contact industries such as retail, food handling, and transport and logistics. Workers will also have to complete the new unit to comply with the new safety standards. 


The HLTINFCOV001 “COVID-19” Unit

The Covid-19 Unit is a new version of the HLTINF001 tailored to equip learners with the knowledge and training to battle the pandemic. It is highly in-demand among learners from various industries. 

ASQA has reminded RTOs wishing to deliver the new unit that they need to address all assessment requirements of the HLTINFCOV001.  

Click on the “RTO resources, Communiques, and Training Package Update” at the last section to see information on contextualising the resources. 


Preparing Workers to Tackle the Coronavirus Risk

The new skill sets or the HLTINFCOV001 unit will prepare workers in massive industries in the post-COVID world. They will absolutely be essential in the fight against the Coronavirus. 

Since said unit of competency and skill sets are essential for workers in massive industries, it is fair to say that the new skill sets and the new Covid-19 Unit will keep growing massively. 

Funding For the New “COVID-19” Unit

The Australian Government and the state and territory governments have agreed to fast-track free or low-cost infection control training to support the re-opening of customer-facing businesses. The Government is planning to make $80 million available to support this critical infection control training nationwide.

Government funding is available for RTOs to deliver the HLTINFCOV001 to students. Please check announcements from your state/territory government for official news regarding the funding. Additionally, you may check out the links below for more information.


What Should My RTO Do?

Your RTO could deliver training to the growing number of learners who will want to upskill with the updated skill sets. Update and contextualise your RTO training resources to deliver the HLTINFCOV001 ASAP or add these skill sets to scope 

You can get in touch with us for any enquiries or if you want to see a sample of the RTO training materials that are used in the unit.  


Need Training and Assessment Tools for the HLTINFCOV001?

Our partner, Compliant Learning Resources, has developed the digital training resources for the HLTINFCOV001 and it is available for delivery now. 

Click this link to get more information or to order your HLTINFCOV001 resource now. You may also call us at   1300 885 484   or email enquiries@compliantlearningresources.com.au to get your training and assessment materials ASAP.  


Additional Information About the New COVID-19 Skill Sets

RTOs can access the website resources listed below for more information on these skill sets published on training.gov.au. Click on the links below for more information: 

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