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Job Training Opportunities in the Workplace Health and Safety Sector

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Work Health and Safety Training Resources

What are the WHS Job Opportunities?

In 2001 the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 was introduced to ensure the safety of all workers in the workplace. It provides the guidelines for promoting and protecting the health and safety for all workers in Australia. People searching for a new career or planning to switch to a new one, can take advantage of the numerous job opportunities now required in the health and safety sector. With the implementation of the Workplace and Safety Act, it has become a mandatory requirement for all industries to employ people who specialise in workplace safety.

If you’re a training Organisation wanting fo to deliver Work Health and Safety (WHS) training or a student hunting for new job opportunities, we have outlined the most popular WHS qualifications and job opportunities available.

Compliant Learning Resources has a range of Workplace Health and Safety training resources designed for these qualifications and work roles. Our training resources provide learners with all the necessary skills and knowledge required for people to work in a wide variety of roles in the work health and safety sector.

The Three Top WHS Qualifications and Their Associated Job Opportunites


This is an entry-level position for people searching for a career in the workplace health and safety sector.  The BSB30715 Cert III in Work Health and Safety qualification training resources equip people with the skills and knowledge required to conduct safety monitoring and basic assessment in the workplace.

Typical work roles relevant to people who hold this qualification would be as follows:

Work Health and Safety Assistant

Work health and safety assistants conduct safety inductions, basic risk assessments and assist with health and safety administrative work.

People employed as work health and safety assistants also help with safety monitoring and fire risk assessment in workplaces. They are tasked with assisting health and safety officers during audits, preparing risk assessments, proper waste disposal strategies, compliance, and safety training of staff in the workplace.

Work Health and Safety Committee Member

As a member of the work health and safety committee, tasks include identifying health and safety issues in the entire workplace rather than focusing on individual employees or groups. Committee members are tasked with developing policies, maintenance schedules, and training programs for the entire workplace.

The health and safety committee in general assists in the development of safe working procedures, conduct safety audits and recommend corrective actions to address safety concerns. Tasks include analysing health and safety reports in the workplace and submitting this to management.

Work Health and Safety Representative

A work health and safety representative’s (HSR) functions are limited to their own workgroup. This is in contrast with work health and safety committee members who oversee health and safety functions over the entire workplace. However, in cases where an immediate threat to the health or safety of another workgroup is identified, or another health and safety representative asks for assistance or unavailable, a health and safety representative can exercise their functions accordingly.

Work health and safety representatives are expected to work as advocates for their work groups in health and safety committee meetings. They are also tasked with conducting workplace inspections and assist work and safety inspectors. Monitor health and safety compliance and investigate all safety complaints in their workgroup.


The BSB41415 – Cert IV in Work Health and Safety qualification allows people to work in more leadership and supervisory role in workplace health and safety settings. This qualification provides training on the implementation and creation of health and safety policies. It provides skills and knowledge that permits people to work as coordinators and facilitators in the health and safety sector.

Typical work roles relevant to people who hold this qualification would be as follows:

Work Health and Safety Officer

The Health and Safety Officer (HSO) oversees monitoring and identifying unsafe conditions in the workplace. They are responsible for reporting to management any potential hazards or risks that may result in accidents or injury and work with management. They also work with management in developing safe work practices to eliminate such incidents in the future.

Responsibilities include investigating safety-related incidents and reporting incidents to management for action. HSOs are also tasked with cooperating with health and safety inspectors in the whole workplace. They are also involved in creating educational and training programs concerning maintaining optimum safety in the workplace. In cases where a work health and safety officer identify an imminent danger to the health of workers caused by an unsafe act or practice in the workplace, they can act independently to prevent accidents or injuries.

Work Health and Safety Advisor

The work health and safety advisor work as a consultant for industries providing guidance and support in complying with all relevant work health and safety legislation. They provide advice on how to create a healthy and safe environment in the workplace ensuring that all health and safety regulations are implemented.

Work and safety advisors are responsible for auditing health and safety activities and assessing if these are compliant with all legislation. They also perform site visits, conduct inspections and incident investigations, developing presentation, compliance, and training reports for higher management.


The BSB5135 Diploma of Work Health and Safety course is a nationally recognised qualification that aims to give people the skills and knowledge required to manage risks, develop health and safety practices. This qualification assists learners to formulate policies, implement changes in the workplace, take a lead role in safety investigations, and work directly with management in implementing work safety practices that are compliant with national legislation.

Typical work roles relevant to people who hold this qualification would be as follows:

Work Health and Safety Manager

This is a management position that allows people to oversee and implement work and safety practices within an organisation. They are equipped with substantial knowledge and experience in a variety of work health and safety roles.

Work health and safety managers take the lead role in investigating health and safety incidents. They are highly trained in identifying workplace hazards and how to implement corrective practices to address this. They also ensure that all workplace policies are compliant with all national regulation and legislation concerning safety in the workplace environment.


A career in Safety can be really rewarding.  Ensuring people are safe at work is wonderful is a really important work role and one you can be proud of.

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