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Jobs and Skills Australia Invites Public Input on Work Plan Development

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Jobs and Skills Australia Invites Public Input on Work Plan Development

JSA’s Comprehensive Strategy to Bridge the Gap between Job Demand and Available Skills

Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) seeks the public’s valuable input on developing its annual work plan to address Australia’s pressing skill shortage and boost economic growth.

As the nation faces unprecedented challenges in workforce development, JSA is determined to shape a comprehensive strategy to bridge the gap between job demand and available skills.

On its website, JSA underscored that the upcoming work plan would serve as its road map as an independent advisory body to improve skills development, employment opportunities, and overall economic prosperity in Australia. With the current shortage of skilled workers posing a significant obstacle to progress, public engagement is crucial to ensure the plan effectively meets the nation’s evolving needs.

Public Engagement Crucial in Tackling Australia’s Skill Shortage

Recognising the importance of community involvement, JSA actively seeks feedback through a comprehensive consultation paper that outlines the organisation’s priorities, goals, and proposed strategies. Members of the public are encouraged to provide their suggestions, concerns, and insights on the consultation paper, helping JSA make informed decisions that reflect the real-world challenges faced by industries, businesses, and job seekers.

“We want to hear from all Australians who have a stake in our workforce’s future,” says John Smith, CEO of Jobs and Skills Australia. “By actively involving the public in our work plan development process, we aim to harness the collective wisdom of the nation and develop strategies that truly address our evolving skills and training needs.”

The consultation period will close at noon AEST on Thursday, July 20, 2023. JSA will thoroughly review all feedback on the consultation paper, integrating valuable suggestions into their work plan. You can actively shape Australia’s future job market and skills landscape by providing your thoughts and ideas.

Let Your Voice be Heard in JSA’s Annual Work Plan Development

You can actively shape Australia’s future job market and skills landscape by providing your thoughts and ideas.

To participate in the consultation, individuals and organisations can submit their feedback and questions via email to connectwithus@jobsandskills.gov.au. An online form is also available on the JSA website, enabling timely submission of comments and suggestions at any time.

The public’s input will enhance the effectiveness of JSA’s work plan and influence the broader national response to workforce challenges. By participating in this initiative, Australians have a unique opportunity to contribute directly to the policies and strategies that will shape the nation’s economic growth and provide better opportunities for job seekers and businesses.

The time to have your say is now. Join Jobs and Skills Australia in its mission to create a robust, resilient, and inclusive workforce for Australia’s future.

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