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Skills Insight JSC: Strengthening Collaboration for Improved VET Outcomes

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Jobs & Skills Council Update

Skills Insight is a newly established Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) in Australia aimed at providing leadership in addressing national skills and training needs across various industries. The team is excited to engage with stakeholders to establish Skills Insight as a JSC.

One of the key aspects of this work is establishing a formal stakeholder network made up of representatives from industry, training organisations, and other stakeholders interested in the sectors they cover and vocational education and training (VET). Members will also be part of the process of establishing formal Stakeholder Representative Forum, which will be a key part of the voice of the industry and make decisions about the JSC’s work outcomes.

Textiles, Clothing, Footwear, and Furnishing Industries Added to Skills Insight’s Coverage

Skills Insight’s industry coverage includes textiles, clothing, footwear, and furnishing industries, which make up an important part of the value chain, turning raw materials into essential items used every day for our homes, clothing, and enrichment. The team is actively seeking new stakeholders, particularly from these newly allocated industries, and encourages anyone involved in these industries to stay up to date with news and consultation opportunities by subscribing to their website.

Skills Insight Team Participated in JSC’s Onboarding Forum

The team recently participated in a two-day onboarding forum for the JSCs, organised by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. The forum provided insights into the JSC program’s plans and government expectations, with a speech from the Minister for Skills and Training, Brendan O’Connor.

During the event, each of the new JSCs, including Skills Insight’s CEO Michael Hartman, delivered presentations that highlighted the opportunities provided by the government program. Michael emphasised the importance of collaborating with all stakeholders across the VET and skill systems and drew lessons from previous skills programs.

Website Coming Soon to Learn More About Skills Insight and JSC opportunities!

Skills Insight’s team has been working with First Nations-owned creative consultancy Leon Design to devise the look and feel of Skills Insight, drawing on the ethos of collaboration and coming together to devise solutions for improved VET outcomes. A website will be available soon where interested stakeholders can learn more about Skills Insight, JSCs, and opportunities for the industry and all stakeholders under the JSC program.

The Role and Functions of Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs)

Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) are a national network of industry-owned, not-for-profit, and government-funded organisations with a mission to lead the way in addressing the country’s skills and training needs in compliance with the JSC program’s criteria. The JSC program provides a wider range of options for addressing workforce and skills issues through four primary functions: workforce planning, training product development, implementation, promotion and monitoring, and industry stewardship.

Each JSC will work with industry, training providers, unions, Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA), other JSCs, and stakeholders across the VET system to create a comprehensive picture of the skills environment and potential solutions. JSCs will conduct initiatives to identify skills and workforce demands, map out career paths, support cooperation between industry and training providers, and serve as a knowledge base on problems impacting their industries.

Participate in the NCVER Survey and Share Your Views on Training in Your Organisation

The National Centre for Vocational Education Research is inviting employers to take part in a survey to share their experiences with staff training and how effective it is in meeting their skill requirements. Your input will help shape the training needs of your industry and ensure they are reflected in the VET system.

The Survey of Employers’ Use and Views of the VET System, first conducted in 2005, runs biennially and aims to interview over 6,000 employers across Australia. In the last survey conducted in 2021, over 50% of employers utilised the nationally accredited vocational education and training system, and around 80% were satisfied with nationally recognised training.

This year’s survey results will be available to the public from November 2023. Whether your organisation is large or small, employs staff or not, your views are valuable. Click here to learn more about the survey and participate.

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